
美貴久 鰻裂き包丁 名古屋型
May 29, 2024

Seasonal item: Small eel knife, Nagoya style, now in stock.

Popular with chefs and anglers! A knife made specifically for eels.

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amenoma Kaji knife kataha 青鋼スーパーシリーズ
December 14, 2023

Kaji knife kataha blue super is now on sale.

Limited quantities! The ultimate fish knife made from the precious steel material "Blue Steel Super."

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三寿ゞ包丁 サンドイッチナイフ240 sandwich knife 240
February 20, 2023

Sanjuzu Sandwich Knife 240 is now on sale.

This is a new bread knife made using the saw production technique "sharpening".

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November 04, 2022

Falthen SYU Special New release on November 4th

A knife blacksmith made Mr.SYU's dream come true.

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tumugu(つむぐ) Cutting board 生友達夫木工所
June 28, 2022

tumugu cutting board series is now on sale.

This is a ``chopping board'' made by a woodworker who knows the characteristics of wood.

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amenoma Knife strop シリーズ 刃物メンテナンスツール
March 16, 2022

Knife maintenance Knife strop series released on March 21st

You can seriously maintain your knives outdoors.

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Fishing Gear コーナー 開設しました。
January 26, 2022

Fishing Gear Corner has opened.

This corner introduces fishing gear, fishing-related knives, hand hooks, etc.

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スリーブ付 包丁セット。 保護カバー付きで包丁持運びできます。
October 28, 2021

We have started selling knife sets with sleeves for a limited time.

Comes with a protective cover for convenient knife carrying. Limited time offer until the end of December.

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三寿ゞ刃物製作所 漆柄シリーズ
October 04, 2021

Misuzu knife lacquer pattern series is now on sale.

Make the old new. We are a knife manufacturer that inherits Miki's traditional manufacturing method.

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黒打 前田鍛冶工場(本久一刃物)発売開始しました。
August 18, 2021

Kurouchi Maeda Blacksmith Factory (Honkyuichi Knives) is now on sale.

This is a traditional hand-forged knife made by blacksmiths in Shimabara City, Nagasaki Prefecture.

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銀三梨地シリーズ 7月16日 発売開始しました。
July 16, 2021

Ginsanriji series went on sale on July 16th.

This is a series of double-edged knives made from Yasugi Ginshi No. 3 steel.

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究極片刃包丁『閃光 先丸蛸引『改』』発売開始しました。
June 23, 2021

The ultimate single-edged knife ``Senkou Sakimaru Takohiki ``Kai'''' is now on sale.

A knife that pursues the pinnacle of sharpness.

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にんにく包丁 発売開始しました。
June 18, 2021

Garlic knife is now on sale.

A knife for cutting garlic roots.
This knife is used to cut off the roots and peel the skin after harvesting.

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