
ダイナソーベース イベント
April 03, 2023

We will exhibit ``Dinosaur Base'' at OPEN CAMP.

This is an event where you can have fun touring Dinosaur Base.

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アウトドアデイジャパン東京2023 amenoma
March 15, 2023

We will be exhibiting at Outdoor Day Japan Tokyo 2023.

I wonder if it's okay to have this much fun! ! It's a loss if you don't come!

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amenoma Bushcraft knife feather65 4月1日発売
March 13, 2023

Bushcraft knife feather65 released on April 1st

Make feather sticks. A compact knife for outdoor use.

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March 07, 2023

A workshop and product sale will be held at "Roadside Station Miki" on Saturday, March 11th.

Gathering of Miki's popular manufacturers. free entrance. Please come by all means.

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三寿ゞ包丁 サンドイッチナイフ240 sandwich knife 240
February 20, 2023

Sanjuzu Sandwich Knife 240 is now on sale.

This is a new bread knife made using the saw production technique "sharpening".

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Dwarf Sickle ドワーフシックル 竹本鎌製作所
February 09, 2023

Dwarf Sickle is now on sale.

KAMA is cute and reliable.

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amenoma イベント出展による業務一時停止のお知らせ
February 07, 2023

Shipping operations will be closed from February 13th to 17th due to an event exhibition.

For exhibiting at interstyle2023. We will reopen from February 20th (Monday).

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January 25, 2023

Notice of shipping delay due to bad weather.

Shipping has been delayed due to the cold weather.

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インタースタイル2023 別注屋.com 出展します。
January 23, 2023

We will be exhibiting at INTERSTYLE 2023 (Outdoor Festival).

Camping tools made by blacksmiths are available. We are looking forward to your visit.

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鰹節削り器 常三郎シリーズ
January 17, 2023

Katsuobushi shaving machine “Tsunezaburo” is now on sale.

This is an authentic bonito flaker made by the plane blacksmith Tsunesaburo.

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2023年 アメノマ始動します。
January 05, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!

Look forward to this year's amenoma breakthrough!

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amenoma 年末・年始休業お知らせ。
December 20, 2022

Year-end and New Year holiday notice.

Thank you very much for everything in 2022. We hope to see you next year.

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Red Stone`s シリーズ おの義刃物
December 06, 2022

Red Stone`s #01 #02 is now on sale.

The new brand of ono knife is called "Redstone's"

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おっさん‘ず Swamp Meet 12月10日開催します。
December 02, 2022

Ossan's Swamp Meet will be held on December 10th.

Play with Mr.SYU. A camping event will be held.

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November 24, 2022

Thank you for coming to the first Hanayu Festa.

It was a fun day for me and the craftsmen to meet a variety of people.

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November 15, 2022

We will be exhibiting at the 1st Hanayu Festa.

Gardening superhuman YouTuber Carmen is coming!!

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GOCCIA RELOCAL FES  ゴッチャコーヒーファクトリー
November 09, 2022

We will be exhibiting at GOCCIA RELOCAL FES.

This is an event where "agave, miscellaneous goods, and kitchen carts" gather in Sayo Town, Hyogo Prefecture.

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November 04, 2022

Falthen SYU Special New release on November 4th

A knife blacksmith made Mr.SYU's dream come true.

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鐵葛(くろがねかずら)燈會スタンド ㈱井上工具製作所
October 27, 2022

Kurogane Kazura Light Festival Stand is now on sale.

This is an authentic lantern stand made by a blacksmith in the image of the plant "kudzu".

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millio(ミリオ)フライパン・鉄板用 グリップ
October 26, 2022

millio exclusive leather grip will be released on October 26th.

Millio leather grips for frying pans and griddles are now available.

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焚キ火ノ音-TAKIBI MUSIC FESTIVAL 2022- 出展します。
October 17, 2022

We will be exhibiting at Bonfire Sound -TAKIBI MUSIC FESTIVAL 2022-.

It's an event that combines a music festival, bonfire, and camping.

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gardening of world in 世界倉庫 
October 12, 2022

GARDENING OF WORLD in World Warehouse will be held.

This is an event centered around Agave and tuberous plants held in Kyoto.

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フックナイフ 道刃物工業
October 03, 2022

Hook knife (with steel) is now on sale.

You can dig spoons and dents to your liking.

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アウトドアデイジャパン大阪2022 ご来場ありがとうございました。
September 26, 2022

Thank you for visiting Outdoor Day Japan Osaka.

It was a fun two days with many people coming.

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