amenoma Bushcraft gear bag

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A collection of bonfire gear.

Tough storage and rough movement. amenoma Bushcraft gear bag

Gather your favorite gear together.
Camping tool storage bag, Bushcraft gear bag.
From machetes and knives to hammers and pegs, gloves and spatter sheets. You can pack all the gear you need for bushcraft in this bag and carry it instantly. (It is possible to store products with a maximum length of 320 mm at the bottom and a maximum length of 380 mm at the top.)
Made of material with excellent strength, durability, and water repellency, it can be handled tough, and it has a handle that allows you to carry it even when opened, so you can carry it roughly. The lower part of the back has a hard finish and is durable and does not lose its shape, so you can securely secure it with forged pegs, hammers, knives, etc. * Removable insole with partition. You can store small items such as lighters and keys in the mesh bags on both sides, and you can attach shoulder belts, name plates, etc. to the 4 D-rings.
Bushcraft gear bags are ``made in Japan'' products that are carefully sewn one by one. You can enjoy carrying it roughly to the place where you want to have a bonfire. Compact yet large capacity. You can use it as you like, such as a coffee set or kitchen set. Great for outdoor fields.

Check amenoma !

When you're so focused on playing, your gear ends up cluttering up your surroundings. It's easy to carry and take out the tools you need right away. I made such a case. It's compact so you don't have to worry about storage space. If you have an idea, you can put it in your car and take action right away. Why not collect your best gear in this bag?
To assemble it after purchase, open the bag, take out the insole, and fit it into the bottom.
*If you place it near a fire, the bag or TOOL may be damaged by sparks. be careful.


Bushcraft gear bag


External dimensions: Total length 400mm, width 150mm, height 190mm
Internal dimensions (bottom): Total length 320mm, width 130mm, height 95mm
Internal dimensions (overall): Total length 380mm, width 150mm, height 180mm


Approximately 470g


Outer fabric: Nylon/Handle: PP (polypropylene)
Inner fabric: Nylon, insole (Bell Pollen)
Mesh bag x 2, D ring x 4, leather tag

